Monday, October 14, 2013

Why "The Mommy Whisperer"

So I've used the name "The Mommy Whisperer" for a while now and from time to time I get the question of why. It's simple really; Anyone who has ever read the book or seen the movie "The Horse Whisperer" will at least notice the reference but for me it is even more cliche than that. It all traces back to two lines:

Annie: I've heard you help people with horse problems.
Tom Booker: Truth is, I help horses with people problems.

As a doula I get a few reactions when describing my chosen line of work. The most irritating of which (and I'm sure any nanny can empathize) is "Oh, so you're a babysitter" -Cue the nanny frustration- In short, no, I don't "just babysit", but another reaction I get is people saying that I help mom's with their baby problems. In this way I like the title of "Mommy Whisperer" because I don't help mommies with their baby problems, I help babies with their mommy problems.

Tags: Nannies, Babysitter, Mommy Whisperer


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